Organizations Roundtable

Success Comes in Many Flavors

Friday, June 27th from 1:30 pm – 3:15 pm 

Baird Convention Center
Room S201 C

Is your dance organization successful? Does your club or regional association run smoothly and effectively? Are you able to recruit new dancers and retain current ones? Do you have fun together both during and outside of your regular dances?

The Organizations Roundtable at the 73rd National Square Dance Convention will involve leaders from local, regional and state dance organizations who have success stories to tell or new ideas to share about growing their clubs and associations, and about promoting our wonderful activity. The tentative session title is “Success Comes in Many Flavors!” There is no one magic bullet – no one favorite flavor for everyone – but there are many flavors and many keys to success.

This will be an interactive session! Panelists will share their knowledge and ideas around a series of guiding prompts. Attendees will be encouraged to participate in the conversation – asking questions and sharing their own experiences.