Business Chairmen and Program Computer Liaison
Barry Johnson
Barry and Anita first learned to dance in 1978 while attending college in southern Minnesota, joining a local club and attending their first state convention. After relocating to the Chicago area, they repeated lessons and joined another local club before moving to south Florida in the early eighties. Seventeen years later, they returned to the hobby and rediscovered their passion for dancing. They dance through the C3A level.
Since 2000, they have served almost continuously in leadership roles for their club (presidents for six years), the local association of clubs (presidents for six years) and the state council (presidents for four years). They chaired the 2005 Illinois state convention with 1200 participants, and have assisted with several national-level events, including a term as Business Chairmen for the 2016 NSDC. They were inducted into the Illinois Square Dance Hall of Fame in 2011.
Barry began calling in 2007 and has since served as president of the Illinois Square Dance Caller’s Association. He is currently serving a three-year term on the CALLERLAB Board of Governors and is working to become one of just 30 accredited Caller Coaches in the world. He is also a national advocate encouraging clubs to use the 50-call Social Square Dancing (SSD) program as their entry level.