Wayne and Lucy Mattson

Wayne & Lucy Mattson met at Swingin’ Singles Squares in 1989-90 as Wayne was taking lessons from Eric Tangman, and Lucy was his ‘angel’. After Wayne graduated, and as members of Singles they went to many dances with groups over the summer and fall, and gradually got to know each other better. By the summer of 1991 their relationship had blossomed, and they were married.

They initially joined Square Benders in Milwaukee, then Foxy Squares in Wind Lake, and Spring City Squares in Waukesha. They have also been longstanding members of the American Heritage Square Dance group which strives to continue some the older traditions of the ‘American Folk Dance’. They have attended numerous national and other state conventions.

Wayne & Lucy have been club delegates to the Southeast Area Square Dance Association of Wisconsin (SEA-SDAW), held various offices in the SEA over time, been delegates to, and officers of, the Square Dance Association of Wisconsin (SDAW), and officers of the Wisconsin Square Dance Convention Board. They have had chairmanship positions at several Wisconsin state conventions, they were General Chair of the 2013 convention held in Oconomowoc, Assistant General Chair in 2017 (Hartland, WI), and now General Chair of the 62nd Wisconsin Square and Round Dance Convention to be held in Brookfield, WI in August of 2021.

The Mattsons are serving as Committee Chair for Registration, Housing and Camping for the 2024 National Square Dance Convention to be held in Milwaukee.

Wayne & Lucy value very highly the many long-lasting friendships they have experienced in their association with the square dance activity, and Wayne will tell you that Lucy is still his ‘angel’.