Susan Lee

I began square dancing in 2007 when someone stood up in church and announced square dance lessons would be starting and that a partner was not required. I had been widowed four years earlier and was looking for something to occupy my time, so I signed up. After completing lessons, I danced almost every Friday and Saturday night in the Des Moines metro or rode with a group of others to Ames or Boone. A year or so later I took plus lessons and within a year or two after that learned to dance the man’s part in mainstream because there were more single women than men, and a year later did the same with Plus.

In 2009 I attended a Single Square Dancers USA’s Dance-A-Rama which was held in Davenport. Iowa. The following year another single gal and I attended the Single Square Dancers USA Dance-A-Rama in Alexandria, Virginia which included a Mystery Dangle Dance in Washington D.C. At that weekend I became the treasurer of the group, a position I held until the group dissolved after their 50th and final Dance-A-Rama which was held in 2021 in Des Moines, Iowa. Not only was I the treasurer for the group but was also treasurer for several of the Dance-A-Ramas which included being registrar for some and being the treasurer, registrar, and chairperson for the final one in 2021. In 2012 I became president of my local club and held that office until the club folded in 2018.

Not one to sit idly by, I became vice president of Heart of America Singles (6 state organization consisting of Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas) which also has a weekend event once a year. Since my local club had closed, I joined one about an hour away and am now also vice president of that group. I attended my first National Convention in 2011 and have attended a total of 7 so far.

If I am not traveling somewhere to square dance, I travel with a group called Seniors On the Move. It might be a day trip or an overnight bus trip or it may be one partnered through a travel agency. If not doing that, I may be off to visit one of my three children, nine grandchildren or six great grandchildren on one side of the state or the other. When at home I enjoy baking (my specialty is scones or pie), sewing, crocheting, quilting which I have just begun to try my hand at, and bowling. I also volunteer with AARP organization doing taxes through their free tax preparation program during the tax season.

Due to being married to an itinerate pastor and moving every several years, I have held numerous jobs over my lifetime. I retired after 15 years at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Iowa in the accounting department.