John and Liz Hand
John and Liz Hand have been married for 43 years. We met at a square dance in November of 1978 and had so much fun together we got married in February 1979. Our first national convention was Milwaukee in 1979. Liz is a retired librarian and John is a very recently retired nursing supervisor. His career has spanned over 46 years and included emergency room, industrial nursing, cardiac intensive care and over 20 years as a hospital supervisor and instructor of Advanced cardiac life support for the American Heart Association. So, as one can see we had very little time to get deeply involved in square dance committee work on the national level.
This will be our first endeavor on a national committee. We have belonged to several square and round dance clubs through the years and have round danced for over 25 years. We have three children, eight grandchildren and even a few great grandchildren. We keep busy in the summer’s with our square dance camping club and have attended ten national conventions. Now that John is retired we are beginning to pursue round dance cueing.