Andrey Sprosty

Director of Youth Activities

Andrey Sprosty, along with Roman Sprosty, are the sons of Caller Don Sprosty and Cuer Natalie Sprosty. Being adopted from Russia, Andrey is blessed to be where he is today with the amazing family and community, he has become a part of. Andrey has been square dancing since the age of 8 and has gone to many conventions both national and state (his first being the 2012 Spokane, Washington National Convention. Andrey has enjoyed being a part of the Youth Community, both in Square Dancing and in his career.

For the past 5 years, Andrey has worked in Childcare. Starting as a Camp Counselor, Andrey has the enthusiasm to work with kids in a safe environment to create an experience that they will never forget! To this day, Andrey has worked with kids through Camp, Schools, and Gym environments! With his passion for kids and science, Andrey is currently studying Nursing at Colorado Mesa University in the hope of becoming a Pediatric Nurse. Specifically, Andrey wants to be a School Nurse so that he can make an impact on future generations!

After helping his mother, Natalie Sprosty, with the National Square Dance Convention in 2016, Andrey has decided to help his brother, Roman Sprosty at the upcoming National Convention. With his knowledge of youth activities, Andrey plans to provide an uplifting, high-energy environment for the youth hall and assist his brother in any way he can to make this year’s Youth Hall the best it can be!

Andrey’s Favorite Quote: “Be the Change you Wish to See in the World” -Gandhi